So why use a Squeeze page and not your normal website, because websites are Too Busy!
Whereas a Squeeze page has only ONE thing available for
the visitor to do and that is enter their name and email which is what they are
designed to do
This is why sometimes they are called capture pages, as they capture
information and build a list If you have used the internet for any length of
time, you will have seen or heard that you need to a list of your own list
But there is little information available to newcomers on
how to start building a list
To begin with you do need both a website but also at least one Squeeze page and
auto-responder service – but for now let’s get back to the Anatomy of a
Squeeze page
This consists of: The need of a BOLD HEADER or Headline or Graphic image
Followed by a Sub header with TEASER to encourage the reader to continue
reading Main contents with BULET points, which should be the benefits
Stating the main benefits for customer an if possible the solution to a problem
many people have Sense of urgency – LIMITED time offer or point out the
scarcity of the offer – only a certain number available PRICE and BUY NOW
Any bonus and may include a surprise bonus, which you don’t get to know what it is until after you buy
Towards the bottom of the page, they repeat all of benefits and Emphasise on low price and normal price or increasing price quote
To see a Squeeze page in action click HERE