Sunday, 3 November 2013

What’s Going on with Facebook Marketing Right Now?

 What’s Going on with Facebook Marketing Right Now?

Facebook marketing is the new trend that is sweeping the world right now. With more than half a billion active users of this website, it has become more than just a social networking website. Today, this is an entire market that online entrepreneurs are tapping into for seeking their business profits.

However, even within the arena of Facebook marketing, there has been a sea of change recently. People are using newer and different methods of bringing their products out into the open through this social networking portal, and this is only facilitated more because of applications such as FB Maxed 2011.

These applications give people several options to effectively showcase their businesses to their group of people on Facebook and even attract other people from their target niche to their business profiles.


One of the recent trends that entrepreneurs are involved in right now is posting their business websites on their Facebook profiles. This was not possible until lately, but now by using new iMarket features, applications like FB Maxed are making that possible

You can post your website on your Facebook profile now, and make it interactive as well.

This applies to webpages of considerable lengths. The entire webpage is taken in and displayed on the profile. People are able to embed videos and add some ecommerce features as well.

The biggest potential of Facebook is that people can build networks. For business persons, it means that they can build their list of leads, which they can look upon as prospects for furthering their business. Now, these new Facebook profile pages that allow websites also allow all those opt-in features that help people to build their lists.

You can convert all your Facebook visitors into a potential lead database that you can promote your product to if you so wanted.

Earlier, with the Facebook Mark-up Language that was used, there were several restrictions on how Facebook could be used by entrepreneurs. Recently, this mark-up language has taken a backseat and people are using new options like HTML5, which is giving a new leash to the limits that people can use their Facebook profiles to.

It is a wonderful world of opportunities that has been created. At present, more than 50% of the people who shop online regularly have Facebook profiles. Hence, it is only but logical that entrepreneurs use this platform to give the boost to their business that they are looking for. Recent trends indicate that entrepreneurs are not allowing any such opportunity pass.

Republished with author's permission by Graham Commander

Friday, 4 October 2013

What’s in a name - What Value?

I’m not taking about the name you were born with or your family name, what I talking about is the value placed upon domain names If you have ever considered buying a website you will need a domain name, in most cases you enter a keyword that relates to the kind of business you are going to run

Then if all domain names with that keyword are taken, the domain site will pop up a list of alternative name and extensions if dot com is not available

Normally the prices are reasonable to buy and last for a year, unless you want it to be yours for longer which can work out slightly cheaper in the long run and it gives Google and other search engines more confidence you are serious about running a business if you choose 2 years or more


While most people are happy enough with alternative names especially if cheap enough, there are those who will not settle for less than the exact name and this is where customised names premium brand-able domain names come in to play


However, should you be considering this route, you must be prepared to pay a far higher price; I have listed just a few high-priced domain names for sale that I found advertised $2,800.00 USD $2,188.00 USD $2,188.00 USD $2,188.00 USD $2,188.00 USD


Apart from the upfront excessive cost there is no mention of the length of time they remain yours, although further investigation revealed a secure service and assistance with domain transfer and it states there are no additional charges

Whether that covers further years is not mentioned, unless that information is available with the membership site for registered members who have no finical difficulty with the high-ticket value


  G.S.Commander owner of

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Anatomy of a Squeeze page

So why use a Squeeze page and not your normal website, because websites are Too Busy!

Whereas a Squeeze page has only ONE thing available for the visitor to do and that is enter their name and email which is what they are designed to do
This is why sometimes they are called capture pages, as they capture information and build a list If you have used the internet for any length of time, you will have seen or heard that you need to a list of your own list

But there is little information available to newcomers on how to start building a list
To begin with you do need both a website but also at least one Squeeze page and auto-responder service – but for now let’s get back to the Anatomy of a Squeeze page

This consists of: The need of a BOLD HEADER or Headline or Graphic image Followed by a Sub header with TEASER to encourage the reader to continue reading Main contents with BULET points, which should be the benefits Stating the main benefits for customer an if possible the solution to a problem many people have Sense of urgency – LIMITED time offer or point out the scarcity of the offer – only a certain number available PRICE and BUY NOW BUTTON


Any bonus and may include a surprise bonus, which you don’t get to know what it is until after you buy

Towards the bottom of the page, they repeat all of benefits and Emphasise on low price and normal price or increasing price quote

To see a Squeeze page in action click HERE