Guru, a (teacher) One who is regarded
as having great knowledge, wisdom, and authority in a certain area, and use
their knowledge to guide others - they are usually online experts
The Money is in the List!
Is a phrase that you may have come across on numerous occasions "Build
your list they say" which sounds easy enough!
But what they don't tell you is all the other things that go along with list
building, so I shall attempt to shed some light on this subject (We have been
kept in the dark long enough
Firstly, building a list only applies if you are going to set up a online business, which many may not feel comfortable about as there are many daunting huddles to get over
However if you are still keen on
setting up a online business, then here’s what you need to do.
1: Decide on a Domain name, your website address - that name has to be paid
2: Get it Hosted, which is just somewhere for the new name and future site
to rest so it can be found by search engines or people typing in the website
name address (Monthly cost apply
3: Set up the actual site, the level of difficulty will depend on what method
is used and what you are doing with the site i.e.: selling products or
supplying information or both.
Note: Never send traffic to the actual website! Landing pages or Capture
pages as they are called - both of these are the same just named
4: How to build a list, for the purpose of mailing offers, you need to have
something to offer for Free i.e. software or a selection of the same, or a
collection of e-books all of which can be downloaded by anyone willing to enter
their name and email address (which is how the list is built.
Back up a little here, in order for this to work, you will need a
Auto-Responder service, who will provide you with forms that you can edit to
suit the offer, which then becomes part of the squeeze page or capture page.
You will have to learn all details of just how to set up these pages, along
with follow up messages including a "Thank You" message page with a
link to the item for downloading
If you get that far, then you will need to come to grips with the tricky
business of getting Traffic to those pages (which is eager visitors willing
enough to enter their details.
Not to mention the total cost of all of this and the time and effort it
takes to learn everything, so is it any wonder the Guru’s keep us in the dark?
They would have us believe that it is all
point click or push button simple, they feed us this lie so that we will
continue to buy every NEW thing off them so keeping them RICH and us poor and
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