The contents of this are drawn from my own experience’s, with the hope of saving you much frustration, time and money
Working from home certainly appealed to me when I first exploring the internet for way to earn income by making use of my computer
As up till then I just used my computer to designing and printing compliments slips for the chap I bought the computer off
He told me I was good at this work and offer it to more people, but I think he was flattering me to keep me as a customer of his
However, I did attempt at doing letter heads and compliment slips, but when I printed some and sent them to a relation of mine, his feedback was discouraging
To cut a long story short, I began searching online for paid work I could do from home, only to be bombarded by email containing amazing offers, and I began on a spending spree and filled the hard drive up to overflowing
If that sounds familiar, then you to have been searching for the same illusive desired goal
However, since the early days of my searching, many new sites sprung up offering way of earning money with a select few allowing anyone to join without cost or being greeted by upselling offers
Here I’m talking about mini job sites, were you offer to do a small amount of work for a small fee and then when established adding extra’s to boost that amount
Fiverr.com was the first of this kind and still the number one, it has been duplicated – imitated by so many other sites who could never hope to compete with the original
A higher paying option, is to go freelance and find suitable freelancing sites, but you will need to be more of an expert in whatever field of service you offer and provide an impressive portfolio
There of course many sites that mislead newcomers to the internet into believing anyone can make money online easily and offer such work as email processing (in most cases this is only a way of a company gaining your email and others who respond to the same advert you did
Yes, they
may pay you but you need to pay them first, normally $25, which is what they
pay you!
So, in effect the payment is from
others paying into the same system you joined, and not really the company
So, in effect the payment is from others paying into the same system you
joined, and not really the company paying
Since I wrote this article I found the secret to making money from FREE, through a training and hosting company, which offers all the tools and ongoing live training
This website also offers live monitors to help build your new online business,75 live monitors who help close sales for you