Friday, 4 October 2013

What’s in a name - What Value?

I’m not taking about the name you were born with or your family name, what I talking about is the value placed upon domain names If you have ever considered buying a website you will need a domain name, in most cases you enter a keyword that relates to the kind of business you are going to run

Then if all domain names with that keyword are taken, the domain site will pop up a list of alternative name and extensions if dot com is not available

Normally the prices are reasonable to buy and last for a year, unless you want it to be yours for longer which can work out slightly cheaper in the long run and it gives Google and other search engines more confidence you are serious about running a business if you choose 2 years or more


While most people are happy enough with alternative names especially if cheap enough, there are those who will not settle for less than the exact name and this is where customised names premium brand-able domain names come in to play


However, should you be considering this route, you must be prepared to pay a far higher price; I have listed just a few high-priced domain names for sale that I found advertised $2,800.00 USD $2,188.00 USD $2,188.00 USD $2,188.00 USD $2,188.00 USD


Apart from the upfront excessive cost there is no mention of the length of time they remain yours, although further investigation revealed a secure service and assistance with domain transfer and it states there are no additional charges

Whether that covers further years is not mentioned, unless that information is available with the membership site for registered members who have no finical difficulty with the high-ticket value


  G.S.Commander owner of